Monday, February 22, 2010

What Do You Think Your Child Would Look Like?

I don't actually whats my child goin to look like because I don't have a partner yet. But if my partner has blue eyes and I have dark-brown eyes then one of the offspring will probably have blue eyes because dark-brown eyes could be the dominant one, and it could also be the recessive one. If it is recessive their is a chance that one of the offspring would have dark-brown eyes because we could have more that one offspring.

Another example is if i had straight hair and she has curly hair. If the straight hair is the dominant one, then most of the offspring would have straight hair. For example, if we had 10 kids, maybe 2 offspring will have curly hair and the others will have straight hair. Like my brother is taller than my dad and my mom because his dominant trait could have been tall. Also my dominamt trait for height is small, which means i will probably kind of short when i grow up.

Dominant or Recessive?

Dominant is the strong one and the Recessive is the weak one. Traits that you get from your parents are compared to each other to determined which trait you will have. For example, if your dad has a brown hair and your mom has blonde hair. Your dads brown hair is recessive which means blonde hair is the dominant, which means you will have blonde hair because the dominant over powers the recessive trait/DNA.

All of your traits have to be compared to find what trait your offsprings will have or what are they goin to look like. this could be compared or seen whose one is dominant by using a punnett square. A punnett square is 4 small box splinted from a big box. If you dont know what it look like its in the left hand corner. Each parent has to have 2 letters that is goin to be compared with the other parent then use the punnett square to find out which one is the dominant one.

Inherited social behavior

Some kids have social behaviors like being hyper and other stuff that other kids do. Some inherit social behavior is spending time with your families, like when you eat breakfast,lunch,dinner. Also other behavior is hanging out or doing something with your friends. Other behaviors that others do are spending time with their families in special days, like valentines day.
The behavior you do when your with your friends are talking, walking, and playing different games. Most friends talk to each other, like in school we say HI and other sayings that friends tell to their friends. Walking is a behavior because walking is mostly the behavior you will be using yourentire life. Playing different sports is good for you by you will get to use to playing other sports and have fun in different ways.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Family Traits

Family Traits are the traits you get from your parent, like if you have blue eyes, which means that one of your parents have blue eyes. My family traits are I have black hair, dark-brown eyes, short and other stuff I could have get from my parents. I have black hair because both of my parents have black hair(but my mom has a little light brown hair color). Also i got my eye color by they both had the same eye color. I think I'm short by my dad is kind of short, but i think that I'm short because i dont exercise that much and don't drink enough milk.

My brother and my sister has the same trait as me, exept their height. That means that i got my height from my dad and my sister and brother got their height from my mom. Most people call me short or shorty, but I don't think that I'm short because there is more people that is shorter that me. Also its because of the dna/chromosome that was dominant on my height. For example, if their is more big B's then which ever height that represent big B is the dominant one.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Why is Understanding Heredity Important

Heredity is passing on characteristics in offspring!!!!!!
Did you know that we carry traits from our parents? Though the egg and sperm each carry chromosomes. Each chromosomes holds DNA and a DNA is a gene, which is able to give you traits. The genes can be dominant (strong) or recessive (weak). All gene needs a pair, one from your mom and one for your dad.

This picture in the right shows the human chromosomes. All chromosomes has a partner, which holds a DNA and the DNA holds a gene, which gives you a trait. The traits you could get is black hair by one of your parents has a black hair. Most of your traits are from your parents because its their chromosomes thats giving us traits.