Monday, February 22, 2010

What Do You Think Your Child Would Look Like?

I don't actually whats my child goin to look like because I don't have a partner yet. But if my partner has blue eyes and I have dark-brown eyes then one of the offspring will probably have blue eyes because dark-brown eyes could be the dominant one, and it could also be the recessive one. If it is recessive their is a chance that one of the offspring would have dark-brown eyes because we could have more that one offspring.

Another example is if i had straight hair and she has curly hair. If the straight hair is the dominant one, then most of the offspring would have straight hair. For example, if we had 10 kids, maybe 2 offspring will have curly hair and the others will have straight hair. Like my brother is taller than my dad and my mom because his dominant trait could have been tall. Also my dominamt trait for height is small, which means i will probably kind of short when i grow up.

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